Furthermore, several of these decisions aren’t as they seem. It may only be in flashbacks, yet that is still better than a man missing a finger in a scene, as seen in Heavy Rain. However, unlike David Cage games, the choices mean something. Throughout the game, you are given choices that affect your ending. Otherwise, Lugo is the character to give you several quips, Adams is the serious and rational one, while Walker is whoever you decide to be. The only lasting effect this mechanic has had is ruining the wheel button on my mouse. There is an unnecessary tactics mechanic wherein you can order your subordinates to snipe or blow up specific targets. You command First Lieutenant Alphonso Adams and Staff Sergeant John Lugo. You play as Captain Martin Walker, voiced by Nolan North, leading his special forces unit into the center of the ongoing mess. That plan that goes wrong immediately, as several armed militias are formed, defectors emerge that think they have a better strategy and general selfishness reigns. Set in Dubai after huge sand storms destroy the city, America has drafted half of its own population to help with relief efforts.

Spec Ops: The Line is war shooter in all the right ways, from showing the dead as horrific nightmares that will haunt you until the end of time, to exotic locations with impending doom. I’m not even making a joke about the blatant racial connotations of a Call of Duty, just their lack of nuance when trying to depict ethics. The problem with that thought process is how Spec Ops: The Line is so much more than a black and white morality. This is the usual collection of puzzle pieces used to create a game about shooting the bad men. This is why being told to play Spec Ops: The Line without much knowledge aside from guns, men, shooting, and Americans, worried me. This means whenever I am instructed to play one of these war shooters, I have a lot of trepidation.
#Spec ops the line burning series
By this time the series and the genre had run its course, effectively burning out some in the fanbase, especially those such as myself who don’t like multiplayer. I continued this series for a while, including notable installments until 2011. This was my first foray into the genre now generalized as “war shooters,” since up to that point they have been homogenized into a single category.

For my 10th birthday, I had been given the recently released Nintendo Wii and several games, including Call of Duty 3. I hate war shooters, and I have since I was a child.